Can data analysis using software provide rigor?
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Can data analysis using software provide rigor?

Ludomedia QNOW Data Analysis using Software

Figure 2 – Coding involving multiple researchers in webQDA

In this example, we designate as internal validation the process involving more than one element. If it is an individual project, the user may resort to external validation, using, for example, one of the validation techniques mentioned above.

Any user can enter comments (figure 3). This feature allows the project manager or the team to receive expert feedback on the data available in the Source System. Comments can be listed by source or by user.

Figure 3 – Inserting comments – webQDA

The logbook (figure 4) presents the entries of the different users in chronological order. Entries can also be viewed by date range or by keyword. For example, one may only want to access entries that talk about encoding.

Figure 4 – Logbook – webQDA

Considering the advances in research and technology, through the discussion of current challenges and needs for the promotion of data analysis in qualitative research in a broader and more flexible way, the use of software when done rigorously and systematically, enhances the deepening analysis of the data as well as the quality of the results obtained. The proper use of a CAQDAS, through its different functionalities, allows giving rigor to the analysis of qualitative data. However, this capability does not replace the responsibilities of the researcher/user.


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